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You Can Help Save a Life!
What is an Overdose?
An overdose occurs when an individual takes an amount or combination of drugs the body can't handle. This results in the body losing all its basic life functions such as breathing, control of body temperature and may cause unconsciousness.
What is Naloxone?
Safe and easy to use!
Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an opioid overdose temporarily to gain time for medical help to arrive.
What is an Opioid?
Opioids include but aren't limited to pain medication that is prescribed by a doctor to treat pain. They are used to get high. Examples of opioids : heroin, methadone, codeine, oxycodone and fentanyl.
How to Use Naloxone Kit
Signs and Symptoms of an Overdose
Person can't be woken up
Breathing has slowed down or even stopped
Snoring or gurgling noises
Lips and nails turn blue or purple
Tiny pupils or eyes rolled back
Limp body

Stimulate them with noise and touch.
Shout their name
Ask them if they are ok
Tell them you are going to touch them to check up on them
Shake their shoulders
Rub knuckles hard on chest bone or under nose
Pinch ear lobe
If they do not respond to step 1 proceed to step 2

Call 9-1-1
Stay calm and speak clearly​
Ask dispatchers for an ambulance
Tell them that someone is unconscious and not responding
Listen to their questions and give them a precis address, intersection or landmark
Tell the first responders as much as you know about the drug taken and that you will administer a naloxone
After the 9-1-1 call immediately administer the naloxone and wait for assistance to arrive.
Do not feel reluctant for calling the police because of the drugs that might be on the scene. Their is the "Good Samaritan Act", which means that you're protected for certain charges.

Administer the Naloxone Kit
It works quickly (5 mins)
It wears off fast (30-45 mins)
Lay the person back and wipe nose if needed

Put Them in Recovery Position
To check breathing put hand up to nose and mouth and try to feel any air come out.
If the individual isn't breathing and you are comfortable you can preform rescue breathing or CPR
Recovery Position

Rescue Breathing

Rescue CPR

Make sure the person is on a hard surface before starting compressions
Hands need to be positioned over middle of chest
Depress chest one third of the depth

Does it work?
If there is no improvement in 2-3 minutes, repeat steps 3 and 4. Stay with the person